Evan Holloway

Texts by Ralph Rugoff and Liz Kotz, and a conversation between the artist and Bruce Hainley

Publisher: Ridinghouse 2012.

ISBN: 978 1 905464 61 6

Dimensions: 28.6 × 24.5 cm | 11 1/4 x 9 5/8 in

Pages: 192 pp, 140 full colour ill
£24.95 | $39.95

Los Angeles-based artist Evan Holloway makes idiosyncratic sculptures that turn matters of aesthetic taste and any appreciation of slick fabrication on their head. Subtle comments on modern sculpture’s weighty legacy are interwoven repeatedly with colours and figures often appear to be physically trapped within the works themselves.


His first monograph showcases his extensive use of materials combined to produce a complex amalgamation of systems, colour spectrum charts and 3D diagrams of social structures with a nod to a primitive pleasure in people creating and engaging with man-made objects.


With over 100 images and essays by Ralph Rugoff, Liz Kotz and an interview with the artist by Bruce Hainley, this publication offers an in-depth overview of this fascinating artist’s work.