Matt Mullican

That Person's Workbook
Texts by Ulrich Wilmes, Matt Mullican and Vicente L. de Moura

Publisher: Ridinghouse 2007 and MER. Paperkunsthalle, Ghent.

ISBN: 978 1 905464 06 7

Dimensions: 34.5 × 21.5 cm | 13 1/2 x 8 1/2 in

Pages: 744 pp, 720 colour ill
£48 | $118

'That person's work' has developed out of Mullican's hypnosis performances (1977–present) and, more recently, photography, drawing and object-making that he has created during a trance state. The artist has described the person that emerges during these performances as 'a sensual, impulsive, almost hedonistic individual with a highly developed sense of humour and theatre, lying somewhere between schizophrenia and autism.'


That Person's Workbook is an artist project made by 'that person', acting like a 'talisman' for a world in which that person exists. Accompanying extensive full-colour illustrations, an essay by Ulrigh Wilmes and an interview with the artist by Vicente de Moura explore the importance of hypnosis and imagination in Mullican's work.