David Batchelor

Found Monochromes, Vol.1, 1–250
David Batchelor in conversation with Jonathan Rée

Publisher: Ridinghouse 2010.

ISBN: 978 1 905464 32 6

Dimensions: 27 × 22.5 cm | 10 3/8 x 9 in

Pages: 288 pp, 250 colour ill
£28 | $50

Since 1997, David Batchelor has been photographing single square and rectangle planes of uninterrupted white that he passes as he walks through London and places he visits. The images are informal and impromptu; shot from a uniform distance the white planes are seen on a diversity of backdrops: brick walls, car doors, metal fences and more.

Batchelor began this body of work after considering the history of the monochrome in painting, and the lack of skill associated with them in the work of Yves Klein and Ad Reinhardt, amongst others.

Bringing together the largest group of photographs from this series, a conversation between the philosopher Jonathan Rée and the artist focuses on the importance of monochromes to ideas of modernity, artificiality and the city.

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