Fault Lines

Art in Germany 1945–1955
By John-Paul Stonard

Publisher: Ridinghouse 2007

ISBN: 978 1 905464 02 9

Dimensions: 20 × 13 cm | 8 x 5 in

Pages: 380 pp, 50 b&w; ill
£25 | $59.95

This volume offers an important and insightful account of art and artists in Germany in the wake of the Second World War, and of the reconstruction of German artistic culture in the early stages of the Cold War.


Drawing on a broad range of archival and visual sources, Fault Lines examines the circumstances of destruction, defeat and division in the postwar decade, and the role played by artists during the first moments of reconstruction and occupation.


Author John-Paul Stonard asks: How did artists respond to the destruction of Germany by Allied bombardment? What was the impact of Russian, American, French and British cultural policies during the military occupation? What were the connections between East and West? 

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