Dan Perfect

Text by Martin Herbert

Publisher: Ridinghouse 2008 in association with Chisenhale Gallery, London

ISBN: 978 1 905464 10 4

Dimensions: 23 x 28 cm | 9 1/8 x 11 1/8 in

Pages: 48 pp, 22 colour ill
£14 | $35

Grounds and figures merge to depict a seething internal world with an imperative to create, connect and situate disparate elements. The paintings include a tumult of ambiguous forms and allusions to lost toys, dream characters, masks, animals, foliage and half-remembered places.


There is an urgent curiosity evident in Perfect’s work that imagines a landscape populated by archetypes, where familiarity, loss and discovery collide. Perfect’s free associative works on paper, from which these paintings are developed, have an affinity with animation, and exploit the inherent instability and seductiveness of colour.


Accompanying a solo exhibition at Chisenhale Gallery, London, this catalogue includes full-colour illustrations of Perfect’s paintings alongside a text by Martin Herbert.

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