It Is What It Is

Writing on Dan Flavin Since 1964
Edited by Paula Feldman and Karsten Schubert

Publisher: Ridinghouse 2004 in association with Thames & Hudson.

ISBN: 978 1 905464 44 9

Dimensions: 21 × 15.5 cm | 8 1/4 x 6 1/8 in

Pages: 294 pp

Spanning four decades, It Is What It Is charts the evolution of consensus about the meaning of Flavin's art, highlighting the gradual acceptance to his ideas and his profound influence on postwar art history.


Key essays on the artist and reviews of his exhibitions are assembled together for the first time in this volume, including some of the most influential artists, art critics and art historians working today – from Donald Judd and Lucy R. Lippard to Hilton Kramer and Rosalind Krauss.