Michael Landy

Break Down Inventory

Publisher: Ridinghouse 2002.

ISBN: 978 1 905464 01 8

Dimensions: 23 x 17 cm | 9 1/4 x 6 3/4 in

Pages: 300 pp
£15 | $39.95

British artist Michael Landy’s ambitious art installation Break Down was presented in the former C&A department store on Oxford Street, London, over a fourteen-day period. Having taken three years to compile 7,227 items, a team of operatives and a large machine reduced the entire contents to mere powder.


Classified into ten different categories – Artworks, Clothing, Equipment, Furniture, Kitchen, Leisure, Motor Vehicle, Perishables, Reading Material and Studio Material – this volume presents an extraordinary and, at times, intensely biographical inventory list of all items destroyed.