Tess Jaray, Alison Wilding

Extra Terrestrial

East GalleryNUA, Norwich University of the Arts, presents a two-person exhibition by Tess Jaray and Alison Wilding.


The exhibition, Extra Terrestrial,  brings together new painting by Jaray alongside recent sculpture by Wilding, offering the opportunity to see their works complement, parry and riposte in unpredictable ways. The artists’ share a conceptual occupations with landscape, perspective and ontological objecthood. The works of Jaray and Wilding occupy physical and reflective space and offer the viewer an intervening layer of realised ‘otherness’, above and beyond either the picture plane or the physiognomy of sculpture.


Extra Terrestrial: Tess Jaray and Alison Wilding

East GalleryNUA, Norwich University of the Arts

26 January–19 March 2016

January 7, 2016